The plenary meeting will be on 23th of March at h 15.00 (3.00 pm) Italian time. We will send in few days the link to join the platform.
In the past June, the MUNA (Mediterranean and Middle East University network Agreement) Agreement was expired for the first 5 years and we must renewal it.
What we have done is almost sufficient: five annual post-graduated courses at the Monastir University (Tunisia) between Monastir and Federico II (Naples); the programme of Agronomy between Hassan II (Casablanca) and Federico II; in progress Erasmus plus Programme between Monastir and Federico II; starting the collaboration between Federico II and Albanian University organising a School of Specialization.
However the potentiality of the Agreement can be much more, so for this reason our General Coordinator of the Agreement, Prof. Gilberto Sammartino ask to meet all the Representatives of each University (Presidents or each delegate) the 23th of March on Zoom meeting, where the University of Naples will be represented by our President Matteo Lorito be, and to resign and relaunch the Agreement.